
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 5. 14. 13:47

1. Her mother was the same. Her mother was the soberest woman I've ever met. 냉철한

Silly, where is her little sister?

There is a quite little different story.

You have tow daughters. 

Yes, even though I hardly ever hear from the other one. 

All the same, she was always my favorite. She was a painter. Look, there you are. 

2.Sisters and brothers are picking sides. 편을 짜다

Both our mothers are terrified. I'm crying out to empty sky. 

Tell me if I'm hit the ground, and fall down my knees. 

Would you hear the sound?

Am I crazy to think we can make it out?

Am I crazier to believe there's a middle ground? 타협점

3. It could fit in your bag. 

This is not gonna fit in my bag. 

This cell phone fits so nicely in my hand. 잘 맞다

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