
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 5. 16. 14:26

1. So she's moved in. 

Ostensibly, to help me with this man. 표면적으로 

She met not long away, just after her divorce. 

Who was a very bad influence on her?

I have to tell you. Who has a very bad influence on her?

What are you talking about it, dad?

So she would like to convince me that I really can't manage on my own. 

The next stage will be to send me away. I don't know where. 

2. It's just a little too late, a little too wrong. 

I can't wait, but you know all the right things to say. 

You say you dream my face. But you don't like me. You just like a chase. 

To be real, it doesn't matter anyway. It's just too little too late. 

3. Life is ever changing. 변화가 많은

The market is ever changing. 

We live in an ever changing world. 

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