
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 5. 21. 16:22

1. You're living with your daughter at the moment. 

Yes, until she goes to live in Paris. 

No, dad, why do you keep going on about Paris?


I'm staying in London. 

You keep changing your mind. 

How do you expect people to keep up?

But there's never been any quesions of me to live in Paris. 

Yes, there was. 

You told me. No, I didn't .

2.I'm standing in your line. I do hope you have the time. 

I do pick a number 2. I do keep a date with you. I'll take advantage while you hang me out to dry.

I can't see you every night free. 

3. I'm blown away. 감동 받았어

I was competely blown away by the film. 

Some signs were blown away by the storm. 간판. 날아가다 

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