
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 5. 22. 16:55

1. We had a plan on going to Italy.

Oh, but you had to cancel it at the last moment. 

Do you know why?


Because of your roar with Angela.

We weren't able to go and leave you on your own. 

We had to cancel our holidays and bring you here. 

Now you're gonna stay here for good. 영원히

If I understand correctly, he's forgotten. It's amazing. 

Stop it. 

2. Everybody loves to tell me. 

I was born an old soul. Better dkeep my eyes wide open.

There's so much that I don't know. Just another hotel room. Never felt so all alone. 

I think about my granddad's eyes, and they always send me home. I can almost hear him now. 

I gotta make him proud.

3. Please call me at your earliest convenience. 가능하면 빨리

Please reply at your earliest convenience. 

I look forward to meeting you at your earliest convenience. 

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