
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 5. 27. 16:51

1. She said she really enjoyed meeting you yesterday.

I must say you did quite a little number on her. 사기치다

I did. 

Yes, you convinced her that you know how to know dance.

You're really good at tap dancing. 

Yes, and what did she say?

She said, she hopes you give her a demonstration one day.

That's funny. I didn't know how I know how to tap dance. 

Did you?

2. Beautiful, beautiful angel. 

Love your inperfections angle. Every angle. 

Tomorrow comes and goes before you know. 

So I just had to let you know.

3. He is out on business. He is out on business at the moment. =now

I was out on business the other day.

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