
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 25. 16:13

1. I mekan if you look at something long enough. It becomes interesting. 

Somebody said that. Thanks. 

It's good that you're focusing 3 days periods. 

You've never done that before. 

You just have to find ending. 

That's all. But I can't.

Can you help me? I doubt it. 

I don't think I'm the person to be discussing with you. 

Why not?

2. I need you now tonight. I need you more than ever. 

If you only hold me tight, will be holding forever?

We'll only be making it right cuz we'll never be wrong. 바로잡다

3. She is a workholic so to speak. 말하자면

This is out of this world so to speak. 

Our father is so to speak a walking dictionary. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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