
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 26. 16:34

1. I came here to listen to music. Then, I fell asleep. 

Berhiman's house is the place to fall asleep. 

It's this lamb skin benches. If you're looking for inspiration, I recommend in here. 

It's the meditation room, also known as Inglid's room. 

Berhiman had built after his wife death. 

Ok, I have to go. I need to catch 4 o'clock ferry. Don't forget to leave before 5.

Or an alarm will go up.

Ok, thank you for the warning. 

2. Let there be you. 그곳에 당신이 있기를

Let there be me. Let there be oysters under the sea.

let there be wind,  occasional rain, chilly corn carny, sparking champaine. 

3. It's somewhere in between. 

The truth lies somewhere in between. 

We'll meet somewhere in between 6 and 7.그 사이 어디 쯤 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

BBC practice  (0) 2024.07.01
GMP practice  (0) 2024.06.27
GMP practice  (0) 2024.06.25
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