
BBC practice

NJChoi 2024. 7. 1. 16:00

1. Are you good at remembering your computer passwords?

Not really, I mostly use something easy to remember, like my mother's maiden name or the street where I was born. 

Or the name of your first pet!

Yes, me too- but we should be more careful about online security. We should be more careful about online security. Georgina, because of a worrying trend, and the topic of this programme- online fraud. 

Online fraud involves using the internet to trick someone into giving away their money or data. It takes many forms, from deceptive emails which trick us into paying money to the wrong bank account, to the theft of credit card details. 

It's regarded by some as a highly profitable and relatively low-risk crime, so in this programme we'll be finding out why it's so easy for criminals or fraudsters, to steal our money. 

And of course, we'll be learning some related vocabulary along the way. 

But first, it's time for our quiz question. In July, 2020, nine British men were arrtested for defrauding the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme- a government fund for workers who've lost their job to Covid-19. They set up fake companies and applied, fraudulently, for money. But how much money has been claimed in total through the coronavirus job scheme in the UK is it. 

a> 17 billion pounds. 

b> 27 billion pounds, or 

c> 37 billion pounds 

It must be a lot, so I'll say a> 17 billion pounds. 


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