
BBC: Rhetoric: How persuasive are you?-2

NJChoi 2024. 9. 23. 20:40

Global problems involve complex issues which cannot be solved in 280 letters, the maximum length of a tweet allowed by Twitter. According to Professor Kendal, we need logical arguments containing a premise- something which you think is true and you use as the basis for developing your idea, and a conclusion- your decision or plan of action based on carefully considering all the relevant facts. 

For example: climate change is damaging the planet- that's a premise; therefore, we should act to stop it- that's a conclusion. 

Few issues are simply black and white though, and this is a problem because Twitter debates are often polemical - argued very strongly either for or against a particular opinion or idea. 

If you believe passionately in something, you need to explain it to people in a way they understand, and in ancient times rhetoric also meant building bridges between people and finding common ground. Like those Romans you mentioned, Neil. 

Yes, in my question I asked Sam for the meaning of term, argumentum ad baculum. 

I guessed it was an argument based on logic. 

Which was the wrong answer, I'm afraid. In fact, argumentum ad baculum lmeans the argument with a stick, or in other words, hitting somebody with a stick until they agree with you! I guess that's one way to win an argument. OK, let's recap the vocabulary from the programme, starting with a soundbite- a short sentence or phrase designed to stick in the memory. 

When people rally together, they unite to support a common goal!

To pull the wool over someone's eyes means to trick someone. 

Logical arguments contain a premise- a truth used as the basis for developing an argument, and a conclusion- a decision based on carefully considering all the relevant facts. 

And finally, polemical means strongly attacking or defending an opinion or idea. But there's no arguing the fact that once again our six minutes are up! Goodbye for now!

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