
BBC: Can VR treat fears and phobias? -2

NJChoi 2024. 9. 26. 20:35

In Barcelona, a VR simulation is being used in prisons to make men convicted of domestic violence aware of what it feels like to be in the position of their victims. The project, called 'virtual embodiment', is led by neuroscientis, Mevi Sanchez-, of Barcelona's Institute for Biomedical Research. 

In a virtual world we can be someone different and have a first-person embodied perspective from the point-of-view, for example, of a different person, different gender, different age. One can go through different situations and have the experience from this totally novel perspective. 

Many of the prisoners lack emkpathy for their victims, 'Virtual embodiment' works by giving these men the experience of abuse in the first- person- from the perspective of someone who actually experiences an event in person. 

In VR, the men have the insults and abuse they gave to others turned back on them. It's a novel- a new and original- experience for them, and not a pleasant on either. But the VR therapy seems to be working, and Dr. Sanchez Vives reports more and more of the prisoners successfully reintegrating into their communities after their release from prison. 

The experience VR creates of seeing things from someone else's point-of-view can be therapeutic, even for serious problems, what was the answer to your question, Rob?

I asked Sam whether the correct name for the fear of heights was alektorophobia, arachnophobia, or acrophobia?

I guessed it was alektorophobia.

Which was the wrong answer. Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens! The correct answer was c) acrophobia- a fear of heights, and a good example of a phobia. 

Let's recap the rest of the vocabulary we've learned, starting with simulation- a pretend copy of something that looks real but is not. 

Habitual describes the usual, typical way something works. 

The phrase 'drop your defences' means to relax and trust something by lowering your psychological barriers. 

In the first-personn means talking about something from the perspective of the person who actually experienced an event themselves. 관점, 배경, 전도 

And finally, the adjective novel means completely lnew and original, unlike anything that has happend before. 

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