
GMP parctice

NJChoi 2022. 9. 12. 19:01

1. I don't know how we keep getting each other's nerve. =bothering

You know the wrong way.

I think it's to do with Michael, doesn't it?

Probably, hey, come and look at this.

Don't worry about me trying to communicate with you or anything.

Where have you seen those words before?

In a game of Scribble.

Our Michael used to play them.


2.When you say those words, it's the sweetes thing I've ever heard.

But when your eyes say it, that's when I know that's true.

I feel it. I feel the love coming through.

I know it. I know that you truely care for me cuz there's to see, when your eyes say it.

3.This summer was too hot for the first time on record.

That summer was the worst drought for the first time on record.

The temperatures climbed over 40 degrees celsus for the first time on record.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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