
GMP practice

NJChoi 2022. 9. 15. 19:02

1.He got in a big knock. 화가 남

Stop talking over it.

Bang the door. 문을 꽝닫다

-You know one night my son went missing.

He got in a big knock, and walked out of the room.

We're watching Top Gears.

I told himn to stop talking over it.

Off, he went, bang the door.

Then, he never came back.

State of panic, rang all his mates.

I was driving arounnd streets, looking for him.

Wife in tears, you've no idea.

Yes, I have.

2.and hold your own, know your name, and go your own way.

Hold your own, know your name and go your own way.

Everything will be fine.

3.He is opting for a new destination. 선택하다

She is opting for her best dress.

I have to opt for a low calory dessert.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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