
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 6. 26. 18:46

1. It's too complicated, alright.
This is for the best, trust me.
Those sounds like excuses of a man who's not being honest with himself.
Oh, I'm not being honest with myself.
Look, I'm not trying to be men, or nothing.
But have you looked at yourself in the mirror?
Your real name is Ree Sau Ping. You're Chinese.
When are you going to be honest with yourself?
You're not even an Italian.
2. You think you're quick, but I'd like to see you keep up with me. 보조를 맞추는
You think you're slick, but I'd like to see you pull a trick on me. 번지르르한
속이는, 골탕먹이는
You think you're so cool.
You're old school. You think you're smart, but who is that you are talking to?
3. You need to show more flexibility. 융통성있는
Show us more flexibility.
They showed such flexibility.

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