
GMP praccticeee

NJChoi 2023. 6. 23. 12:22

1. While our families have been at war, two people here have falling in love. I swear God.
If your slimy son has touched my daughter. 끈적 끈적한
The only thing slimy here is you.
Shut up, both of you.
Caro and I, we've been seeing each other.
What do you mean seeing each other?
We've been having a relationship.
What do you mean having a realtionship?
Forgive me, we've been lovers.
2. My yesterdays are all boxed up, and neatly put away. 치워지다
Every now and then, you come to mind. 가끔식, 떠오르다
Cuz you're always waiting to be picked to play the game.
But when your name was called. You found the place to hide.
When you knew that I was always on your side.
3. Don't  get ahead of yourself. 앞지르다. 김치국 마시다
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
We can't get ahead of ourselves.

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