
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 7. 3. 18:18

1. Are you insane, Rocket hair?
Why on earth do you go around telling everyone we're friends?
We're not friends.
You're nothing but a pathetic loser who always gets into trouble.
Nothing good ever comes out of your mischief, absouletly nothing. 장난
What are you talking about?
You kept saying the rocket would never fly, but it did.
2. When you hold me like this, so many memories feel my eyes.
The first time we kissed. The time we nearly say good-bye, but still here we are.
Tested, and tried, and still true, and stronger than we ever knew.
3. Don't sell her short. 과소평가 하지 마라
Don't sell him  short.
Dont sell  yourself short.

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