
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 6. 29. 19:21

1. I just can't believe that I came all this way to roll back my favorite students. 다시 유인하다
I'm failing.
Gerry's menu, didn't work out.
On the contrary, it worked its way out of the top food critics colon so quickly, I was forced to shut down.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm sure you'll find another concept you like.
I think I just did.
Are you interested in going international?
2. I'm so tired of California.
I'm so tired of LA.
Where the real thing comes as often as California rain?
I got all these legal toxins in my blood and in my brain.
I keep saying that I'm leaving, but it doesn't work that way.
3. You always stay cool.
He always stays as cool as cuccmber.
Just stay cool even if you see him. 침착하게 행동하다

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