
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 18. 12:48

1. I know that look in those little eyes. 

It's the worst. 

But it's ok, also. 

You just have to explain to him that you're scared, and that's why you yelled and then you apologize. 

He's a person. You just be honest with him.

It's called doing a repair that there's a script for it online. 

Ok, sounds easy.

2. I have learned my lesson well. 

The truth is out there. 

I can tell. Don't look back. Don't give into their lies and good-byes. 굴복하다

Nothern star. 북극성

3. You're being extra. 

The clerk was being extra kind. 

Why are you being extra? 과하게 행동하다 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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