
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 22. 10:11

1. Did you feel hurt that I was gonna send you home?

Yes, I did. 

I feel badly about how I behaved. 

Are you feeling mad at me?

It's ok, if you are, whatever you're feeling and thinking. 

I thought you're being in butt. 

I'm feeling very~, used a feeling word, totally out of touch. 

Also sad. 

Sorry, I should, then from the bottom of your heart, look your child in the eye, say I'm sorry.

2. Everything I do, I do it for you.

You'll never build a wall that I can't break through.

Inside you know, this heart is ture. 

I'll do it all for you. Now friends may come between us, but in time I'll prove I do it all for you. 때가 되면

3. I stopped by a service area along the way. 그 과정에서= a rest area

I realized lots of things along the way. 

We have developed along the way. 

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