나의 이야기

GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 24. 11:45

1. She taught her classes. When she was stressed out. She just cook a big steak, and juest eat it.
She loved hanging out with her friends.
She says even though we love each other, she will never know everything about me.
I will never know everything about her.
It's just the way it is.
2. Please, don't wake me up, baby, cuz I really hate seeing you go.
But you gotta handle business.
Yes, baby, I know feels like half of me left.
When you walked out the door, please, take me away with you.
3. What is it like being married?
What is it like studying in England?
What is it like to argue with him? ~ 하니 어때?

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