
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 31. 20:33

1. Do you think I'm gonna be like my dad when I'm older?

I think you have it better, Jessi. 


Cuz you know yourself more. 

You're able to like express yourself, and your feeling.

That's what your mom taught you. So you're way ahead of the game. 

Believe me. 

That means you're looking better. Be fun, when you can. 

What's that?

That's my dad used to say that to me. 

2. Scars are souvenirs you never lose. 

The past is never far. 

Did you lose yourself somewhere out there?

Did you get to be a star?

Don't it make sad that life is more than who we are. 

3. I stepped in first. 

They stepped in quickly. 

Did he step in to calm down the dispute? 개입해서 관여하다 

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