
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 29. 16:48

1. You'll see so many living things, plants, and animals beyond imagining. 

Here is always same, but there everything is in motion. 

Everything is always changing. 

You'll be plunged into earth river of time. 

There will be so much to learn, and so much you to feel, pleasure and fear, joy and disappointment, sadness and wonder. 

2. I used to love the night life til the night life got too boring. 

Might be time for the right guy. 

Got a feeling that it could be you, could be you, should be you.

2 plus 2 makes one in love, it could be us, baby, touch. 

I'm soft to touch. 

3. I don't feel like doing anything. 

I don't feel like having dinner. 

I don't feel like taking a shower. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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