
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 9. 6. 11:39

1. Mommy, why do you have to open our presents on Christmas eve/
Why not Christmas day like everybody else?
You know at school tenses.
It's the past, present, and future.
Here, there's only one future.
The past and present are the same thing.
Daddy told Harry. It's because Father Christmas does queens and kings the day before everybody else.
That we get the best present.
2. I can see your thinking lately.
I've been thinking too about the way we used to be. How to start anew.
Maybe, I'm a hopeless dreamer.
Maybe, I've got it wrong. 오해하다, 잘못 이해 하다
But I'm going where the grass is green if you'd like to come along.
3. It's reducing the risk of injury.
It's reducing the risk of infection.
They help to reduce the risk of accident.

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