
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 9. 5. 10:10

1.  I was always last back. 

Always late for everything. 

I'd get home half an hour after the others. 

Everyone was just laughed. 

I'd actually forgotten all about that scarescrow until today.

I can't believe he's stil watching over us. 

How can he watch us?

Mam, there about to open the presents. 

Yes, coming. 

2. I'll put on my sunday vest. You pick out your favorite dress. 

I'll take you somewhere new. 

I'll be old fashioned for you.

It's a cliche, or, so, I'm told to give you a jacket up when someone is cold.

But I don't care. I don't mind the midnight air. 

3. You've been wishy washy. 미온적인, 어중간한

She is wishy washy.

I'm sorry for being wishy washy.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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