
GMP Practice

NJChoi 2023. 9. 11. 10:59

1. It doesn't fit in with my mood.
Should be black, black, to contrast the pearls.
Not only did I rescure it from a scarecrow, I'm talking to it.
All rumors of my disintegration are confirmed.
The dust in this house, it almost contains the dead skin of every person who's ever stayed in it.
2. Baby, please try to forgive me.
Stay here.
Don't put out the glow. 끄다, 빛
Hold me now. Don't bother.
If every minute, it makes me weaker, you can save me from the man that I become.
3. He stood me up. 바람 맞히다
Don't stand me up again.
Are you going to stand him up tomorrow?

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