
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 12. 11:19

1. So the police, they wouldn't have known that this all started with just stupid frank.
It just set the stage for what I did, the hoax we played. 장난질
What do you mean?
I told the police. I abused my position of power.
Whether the kids consented anything we did after that didn't matter.
I was their teacher. They were my students. All under 18.
I asked for the severist possible sentence.
Because I wanted go to jail.
I didn't want any of students, victims, to testify.
2. I see driving around town with a girl I love.
Forget you.
I guess a change in my pocket wasn't enough .
Forget you, forget her, too.
Said if I was a rider, I'd still be with you.
Although there's pain in my chest, I still wish you're the best with to forget you.
3. How do you get through the day?
I read some quotes to get through the day.
I eat enough to get through the day. 명언

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