
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 13. 10:42

1. A lucky rabbit's foot key chain, I was surprised to find there.

I was surpirsed to find there. You're so disgusted when I gave it to you.

You wanted to get rid of it, and then I told you that it was a bad luck to throw a good charm luck.

I suppose you must have taken me seriously.

Alica was holding your hand. 

Her son was playing with me on the stage.

What are you talking about?

As I was playing, I looked over you're holding her hand.

2. Now, I know that I had to borrow, back and steal, lie and cheat. 속이다

Trying to keep you, trying to please you.

Cuz being in love with you ain't cheap now. 

3. Please, walk me through it. 자세히 설명하다

Could you walk me through it?

Let me walk you through it.

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