
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 18. 10:44

1. Why are you showing me this?

It's probe.

Of what?

How could I be holding her hand if I would be shooting this?

Does it take two hands to shot something with your camera?

It takes concentration. 

But one hand, does that make any kind of sense of you, Veronica/

That I could be shooting you, playing while holding your teacher's hand, and your mother is sick beside me. 

2. Welcome to the real world, she said to me condesendingly. 거들먹 거리는

Take a seat and take your life. 

Plot it out in black and white. 구성하다

I never lived the dreams of the prom king and the drama queens. 

I'd like to think the best of me.

It's still hiding up my sleeve. 

3. Do you have time to grab some coffee?

Do you have time to talk with me?

Do you have time to talk by any chance? 혹시

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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