
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 23. 10:58

1. This Monday, I didn't leave immeately. I had an idea for compositon. 

I was writing it down. When I finished, I went upstairs. I saw her. 

I remember the cigarette in her hand. I remember her hand falling. 

The cigarette was still lit. There was some sheet music stack there. 낱장으로 된 몇장의 악보

It caught fire. I didn't want her to become my mom. 

It must've been hard losing both women so closer to each other. 

2. Doesn't take much to make me happy and make me smile with glee. 신남, 기쁨

Never, never, will I feel discouraged? 낙담하다

Cuz our love's no mistery.

Demonstrating love and affection that you give. 

So openly, I like the way you make me feel, baby.

One the whole world to see. 

3. It's all thanks to you. 

It's all thanks to my parents. 

It's all thanks to my members. 


'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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