
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 25. 09:56

1. From the moment I began, she told me I should have started earlier.

I was gifted, but I needed to catch up.

My father was it in a chair and watched two of us. 

But I began to realize he was watching her. 

The lessons were an excuse. 

Why couldn't he see her alone?

Maybe, this is how they wanted to see each other. 

As the my presence, made their feelings more intense. 

2. I'm waiting in the pines. I'm waiting in the forest. 

Pilon at my side. =free gift. 경품

The treaure lies before us. 

3. We left earlier than planned. 

She came earlier than planned. 

He released his album earlier than planned. 일정보다 일찍


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