
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 26. 10:33

1.Alisa had told me that your mother was aware of what was going on. 

That she had given your father permission. 

Did he know that, my father?

I delievered eulogy at Alisa's funeral. 추도사

Your father told me. I've done a good job of summing up who she was. 

I asked him how he knew her. 

He said, she was your teacher. 

You're too upset to come. 

Like you're so upset about her son, Walter. 

Why didn't he tell me any of this?

2. We're walking in the fields. 

We're working on the farms. 

We do just like our fathers. 

How can they take that from us?

3. Go see for yourself. 직접 확인해 보다

Come see for yourself. 

See for yourself what it is. 

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