
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 30. 10:01

1. I could never believe that my daughter, Veronica was capable of such terrible crimes. 

And then I suppose it's up to me to find this person who spred these aweful rumors. 

They just grew like a cancer. 

I get incidious cancer. 서서히 퍼지는

Dr, not everything can be cured. 

These rumors that landed her, my little girl. 

So if necessary, I will extract my own vengence on this bus driver. 

2. Tell me if you wanna go home. 

Maybe, you don't have to smile so sad, and laugh when you're feeling.

I promise I won't chase you. 

You don't have to dance so blue. 

You don't have to say I do when baby, you don't.

3. You've made my day. 

You've made her day. 

Thank you so much. You've just made my day. 나를 행복하게 하다. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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