
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 11. 1. 16:32

1. Sometimes, people need a break. 

Life gets too much. It sounds like you resent him for checking out, though. 

분개하다, 원망하다

I want to talk to him about that day, why.

I can never seem to figure out what to say.

I don't know why.

I'm telling you all this. 

I'm glad you did. It feels good. 

2. Whenever my hand starts to hurt, before it goes from bad to feeling worse. 

I turn off my phone. 

I get down low. I put my hands in the dirt. 

I tried to stop the world from moving so fast. 

Try and get a grip on where I'm at. 정신바짝 차리다

And simplify this dizzy life, and get my feet in the grass. 

3. Our will is as firm as it has ever been. 지금까지도 , ~ 만큼 단단한

The system is as firm as it has ever been. 

He described the relationship was as firm as it has ever been. 




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