
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 11. 2. 16:36

1. Ammy, this is my boyfriend, Justin. 

Did you drink yesterday?

No, why?

We just left school, and went to Valtimore. 

Like just out of the blue. It was amazing. 

I'll take your word for it. I can't remember anything about it.

What part?

Pretty much the whole day. 

It's like super foggy. 

Like hung over or something. 

2. It only explanation for a high rise must be that everybody wants to get high, and move on upto a deluxe, apartment in the sky. 

The higher we go, the taller we grow. 

We lose site of the land below. 

You can have your place ugp out of space cuz my home is where my food is grown. 

3. He got a standing ovation. 기립박수

She received a standing ovation. 

They received a standing ovation from audiences. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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