
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 12. 11. 10:47

1. There was a time when I used to make eye contact with a woman.
She flashes smile back. That's all would it be, a little moment.
Those women just smile. You get from them. It's smile they give to a uncle or a pest.
let's just look this way. Nature never disappoint you.
No rejection.
Quiet rough, though.
Supposed to be getting a boat tomorrow.
Going to the bay of poets.
Are we?
Byron's swim.
2. Hey, baby, whatever happened to the girl next door?
If I remember she looked a lot like you.
What happened to the boy who said I die for you?
We're hanging on, but love is gone and now it's war.
3. I care about animals. 마음을 쓰다
I really carre about you.
He doesn't care about it.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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