
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 12. 13. 19:13

1. There we are. I've still got it. 

Big shot, aren't you.

I've already told you. Not really that it was possibility.

You're an acquired taste, but you know, something quite melancholy about this place, isn't there. 

It is like we're stranded on a dessert island. Only not hot. 

The dessert doesn't mean hot. 

The dessert mean no people there. 

There can be water, but it's desserted. I know that. 

2. I don't mind your old behavior. 

It's the very thing I love. If you were an ice cream flavor, you would be my favorite one. 

My imagine sees you like panting V G, starry nights and bright sunflowers follow you where you may go. 

3. Do you live under a rock? 세상과 담쌓다

Are you living under a rock?

He has been living under a rock. 

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