
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 12. 14. 20:29

1. So, you think everything is meloncoly once you got to a certain age. 

GG said you're under 40, seeming unhappy makes you look interesting.

But onece you're 40, and beyond, you've got to do everything you can smile. 

Otherwise you look like a grumpy old man. 

Morsy, Byron was famously gloomy.

What will people remember of us in 200 years time. 

If there's a big if. If we are. 

2. All about you from the star. 

Oh, I've loved you from the start.

In every single way, and more each passing day.

You are brighter than the stars.

Believe me when I say.

It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart. 

3. I feel a sense of connection with them. 친밀감

I want to build a sense of connection with you.

I feel a sense of strong connection with the main character. 

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