
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 3. 12. 20:11

1. You were disappointed. 

But I'm not gonna let you give up.

I wasted my own talent. 

Maybe, you're my second chance to be useful now. 

That's good because I've got some news. 

They made a mistake. 

The girl who won my group. She was using a fake name. 

Turns out she's already entered another competition before. 

She's been disqualified. we're going to London. 

We're going to the finals. 

2. She couldn't hide her beauty wiht her baseball cap. 

Couldn't help but shine with heart like that. 

New York called when she turns 21.

She never forgot where she came from.

3. That's why I'm wearing a mask. 

That's why he became world class. 

That's why I'm wearing a padded jacked. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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