
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 3. 13. 20:35

1. Here we are on the isle of White, small but picturesque island of the coast of England. 그림 같은

Behind me, the home of VB.

The first contestant for the island to make the team spirit finals. 

I never dreamed I'll make it this far. 

I keep waiting for them to call back and say this been a mistake. 

The compition which provide a platform for young British and has soared  in popularity. 

Thanks to high profile contestants like K spiurs from 3 2 tango. 

2. I'm ok. I'll survive. 

I only think about you half of the time. 

All these tears are just drops in the ocean. 

You barely ever cross my mind. 생각나다

It doesn't hurt that much. 

It was only a paper cut. 

3. No wonder she is angry. 

No woner it's expensive. No wonder you're late. 당연한


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