
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 3. 15. 10:58

1. Violet who lives alone with her mother has no expectations of the same success. 

But looks forward to performing on a global stage. 기대하다

I know I'm not the best singer in England, but I'm gonna try hard to be a better one by the time we get to London. 

Forgive this question, but we have to ask. 

Is there special someone in your life?

No special someone. I don't believe in love. Love isn't real. 

2. The more I give, the less I get. 

Sometimes, I wish we never met cuz I was fine till you broke through. 돌파하다, 나타내다

But don't worry, baby, I'll get over you by tomorrow or the next day, or the next day. 

3. I was told to call him. 

I was told to tell you this. I was told that you were coming. 들었다 

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