
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 6. 15:15

1. Then, there was a big reunion at his 60's birthday.

Ingrid had persuaded him to invite everybody. Ingrid was adamant about reconstructing Berhiman's relationship with his family. 단호한

So do you think you can creat a great body of work, and raise a family at the same time. 

A body of work of that scope.

At the age of 42, Berhiman had directed 25 films, run a theater, staged many places. 

2.I'm only a man in a silly red sheet  digging for cryptonite on this one way street. 

Only a man in a funny res sheet looking for special things inside of me, inside of me. 

3. I found a quaint. 독특한, 예스러운, 고풍스러운

The building is quite quaint. 

There is a quaint little town. 


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