
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 10. 17:01

1. In practical terms, raising 9 kids directing 50 films not to mention plays seems like tall order.= difficult
But in non-practical terms, the mothers raise all the 9 kids, and he didn't do a thing.
How do you feel about that?
I should I feel bad, right.
No, just because you like him I wondering.
You do, too.
2. Do you think you could fall for a woman like me?
Cuz I find it hard to truth.
I need too much. I really don't believe in love.
Do you think that I could be the girl in your dream?
Sometimes, I don't let things go. Get emotional. Sometimes, I'm out of control.
3. I feel as if I'm dreaming. 마치
I feel as if I'm talking to the wall.
I feel as if I have  sense of duty.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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