
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 12. 17:00

1. Why his characters are always so awful?

Why doesn't he show tenderness and lightness?

There's loads in Penny and Alexander. =tons

True, but that came late. It's good that came late. 

He wasn't interested being light. He was dark. He want to explor that. 

It was fun for him. Why didn't he ever want to explor?


2. Old friend, here we are, after all the years and tears. 

We've been through. It feels so good to see you.

Looking back in time. There've been other friends and other lovers. 

But no other one like you. All my life, noone ever has known me better. 

3.  He is very perceptive. 통찰력 있는

The novel is perceptive. This book is full of perceptive insights. 직관력 있는 통찰 



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