
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 13. 14:06

1. Berhiman directed his own death. He decided everything in advance, the spot, the wood of caffine, what he wears. 

Jada from the foundation said after his wife died. He started believing in after life. 

He was the son of minister. So the questions of faith always followed him. 

Oh, God, why have you abandoned him?

2. No one has known me better. I must have traveled thousands of places. Been so many places, seen so many faces, always onn my way to something new. It doesn't matter cuz no matter where I go every roads lead back to you. Every roads seem to lead me back to you.

3. He and I drifted apart each other. 서서히 멀어지다

After she moved away, we drifted apart. 

After graduation, we were starting to drift away. 

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