
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 17. 17:02

1. The house in the film was here. Actually, they only built a pasade. 

The interiors were mostly shot in studio. 

What happened to the house?

They had to tear down after the shot. Berhiman was looking for a small garden with old trees. 

That's part of why he picked this spot. 

The trees are still here, and you can also see where they took down the wall. 

2. I just met you, seems like yesterday. 

You opened up your eyes, and I recognized your face. 

You know that you're the one we've been waiting for. 

We're gonna keep you safe. 

First time, I held you in my arm. I knew I love you all the way. 내내

3. I can't stop loving you. 

I can't stop reading this book. 

I can't stop sneezing. 재채기 하다 

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