
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 19. 16:21

1. Characters, the dialogues, the situations, it all fits. 

Something is holding me back. 뒤에서 잡다

Something is makingn me anxious. 

That's different. 

If making you anxious, take a break. 

You just said write. 

That doesn't help. It's not easy.

You know how hard writing is for me. It's torture. 

Self infected agony. 고통

It's blood from a stone. 하늘에 별따기

2. How you noticed by the way so sad alone?

It wasn't really just your day. So sad alone. 

Will you tell me why you're blue?

So sad alone. Didn't you want to see the truth?

No, no, no. 

3. Did you pick up on that? 눈치채다

I didn't pick up on that. When did you pick up on that?

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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