
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 6. 18. 15:58

1. How was going?

Where were you at?

I'm still doing the outline. But I don't know if I want to write it. 

Why not?

Because I'm afraid it's like stuff I've already done. 

Not possible. 

I thought we spend whole life with same thing.

We do, but from different perspectives. 관점

You've just gotta trust yourself. 

2. Through your ears, I hear it. 

Through your eyes, I see. 

A world full of magic, full of possibilites. 

You know as well as anybody, how tough this life can be. 

You've got so much strength. A strength I pray you'll never need. 

3. The sky will clear up soon. 

Is there anyone to help clear up?

You have to clear up your room. 정리하다, 나아지다

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