
GMP practice

NJChoi 2022. 9. 1. 11:06

1.What are you doing on your phone at a time like this?

We should be talking.

Since when did games stop people talking?

Talking is what we did when we playe Scrabble.

We did not play Scrabble.


We were always playing Scrabble.

It wasn't Scrabble. It was Scrabble like. It was called Scribble or Scrubble.

It was a cheap rip-off of Scrabble. 바가지, 아류

2. I met you in a bar in San Francisco, but when the sun came up, we had to let go.

When you took that grey hound bus, thought it was the end of us.

But now you're all I dream of when I sleep.

3. She left him in the lurch. 곤경에 처함

The Samaritan didn't leave him in the lurch.

Don't leave me in the lurch. 휘청함, 요동침

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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