
GMP practice

NJChoi 2022. 8. 31. 12:02

1.What's stopping you?

From what?

From living how you want. 

Packing it all in. 

Finding a new way. 

I need it, your letters to help my case. 

I hope you beat him, Cath. 

Clay deserves you. 

He already a father, good father. 

Besides, I could do with joint custody.

Now that they ended my contract. 

You won't have any money

But I have freedom. 


2. We climed Golden Gate bridge. Just watched stars collid, and played Steve W songs. 

A couple of thousand times. 

I'm kina scared to say it was the best night of my life, but I know I won't forget San Francisco.

I know I won't forget that night in San Francisco. 

3.The account is verified. 확인하다, 입증하다 

The account can't be verified. 

The theory was verified by many scholors.



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