
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 7. 31. 19:29

1. Home, sweet home.
That was a one big trip.
Guess, I'll be going then.
It was a nice traveling with you.
Stay at my place for the night.
We'll start building you, a new house.
No, kidding.
Of course, what are friends for?
We're friends. Are you sure?
There's no doubt about it.
2. Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head. 격노하다
You make sense of madness.
When my sanity hangs by a threat, I'll lose my way, but still you seem to understand. 정신
Now and forever, I'll be your man.
3. I don't want to ay it to his face.
Why don't you say it to her face?
If you have something to say, say it to my face. 대 놓고 말하다

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