
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 2. 17:25

1. What does he know/
Nothing, I said, I was gonna help him get organized.
So we'll go together later. He's gonna be ok  with me.
He loves it when I'm not around.
he'll have so much fun.  It's really good tosee you.
Hello, is anyone home?
Are you ready for this?
Brace yourself. 단단히 하다
There's a little orphan who likes to come visit me.
2. I got your letter from the postman.
Just the other day, so I decided to write you this song, and just let you know exactly the way I feel, and let you know my love for real.
3. You are too touchy.
I'm being touchy.
Don't be so touchy about it. 민감한, 예민한

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